
By TynvdB

Come on my Friend let's Talk&Walk

My Friend, We know that
we should meet and talk.
On life & love & death. We
know for years that time
is running out to open up
again our aching hearts in
reciprocity, Old Chump…

We know what means a
friend’s desire: to share
your company, to be in
some way near. Come
on and let us move to
take first steps without
conditions, quid pro quo.

Lets join again and make
that simple walk today.
One ticket to the salty
sea or would you just
prefer for me to go in
search for where you
live these days. Is it
that labyrinth without
a door or name, that
locked up hide, I do
not care, I’ll fold my
empty hands and sing
a friendly rhyme of
hospitality & memory
lost to regain in praise
of friends that walk so
easy barefoot on the
sunny seaside, from
Nowhere to Erewhon.

My Friend, here is the
shortest way to join
our erring hearts, come
on my Friend lets talk
and simply walk again.


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