Camera tech

This, admittedly, isn't a great photo but it has a story attached to it.

On Saturday morning, in breach of my usual rules, I went to a business meeting, which was in no small part because I like the chap I was meeting. He's smart, interesting and into his music (even if our tastes aren't quite the same).

As I had nothing much planned for the rest of the day, I decided to take the scenic route home, driving up through the Forest of Bowland. As I set off, I rang my folks to say hi. Once we'd chatted for a bit, my mum said "Do you want to speak to your brother?" at which point I remembered that he was due back from the States today!

So, by the time I got to the edge of the hills, I decided to pull over and chat because I didn't want to lose my signal. While we were talking, I put down the window and took this photo.

To cut a long story short(well, shortish), by the time I came to write this, I'd been back to the Minx's house - she'd left her handbag at the cottage - and then I'd managed to leave my camera at the her house when I went home. I rang her and asked her to turn on the camera and, a couple of minutes later, the photos I'd taken started to arrive on my laptop via Dropbox.

A few years ago, I don't know that I could have envisaged that: my web-enabled camera's operating system updating my cloud storage and automatically syncing with my laptop! Sometimes I just love being alive right now. I just wish all technology was used for positive stuff like this.

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