Tutto bene

By Blackdrake

It's hard to say goodbye...

We took Paul to the airport tonight. He starts his new job tomorrow in Sussex. We're still here in Glasgow. Nobody happy about it.
We just haven't had enough notice to get this house fixed up for selling, or even renting out. So we're looking down the barrel of a year of weekend visits when rotas and finances allow.
We came home and consoled ourselves with ice cream then watched the Salmond/Darling debate/talking over each other match.
I think those of yes persuasion are still yes and those of the no are still no...for those undecided...nae luck. Salmond definitely won the closing statement battle, Darling didn't really say anything.
Overall it would have been better if Salmond had adopted Stephen Fry's General Melchett's voice from Blackadder when addressing "Darling".
I'm away to weep into my beer.


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