Luckily for you.....

As I pulled into the driveway mid-morning, there was about two minutes left of the programme I was listening to on the car radio, so I wound down the windows and turned the engine off and remained in the car.

It was then, that I noticed the cat, in the flower bed, close to the car, in that unique pose that ( I think) only cats can achieve, licking his bits, with one hind leg extended skywards.

A few seconds later, all hell let loose when a family of newly fledged Wrens hurtled towards the cat, just missed him and landed clumsily in the Forsythia bush near by.

For such small birds Troglodytes troglodytes (to give them their proper name) are incredibly noisy and vocal.
Six of them in total all screaming warnings to each other about a cat was enough to rouse the feline from his ablutions. He stared at the family of wrens for at least 10 seconds with his hind leg still held stiffly up, before resuming his previous duties.

Be thankful that I managed a half decent shot of one of the wrens, otherwise you'd be looking at a shot of a cat licking his arse!!

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