and through the wire...

By hesscat


Ok ok, last TV blip for a while... but today was maybe the biggest day in "the debate" so far, a chance for the leaders of both sides to debate on the telly. With 7% of voters undecided at this point, this must be where those people will start to make up the minds.

I would guess most undecideds would like to choose YES, but want to hear something new from that camp to convince them it could work. Putting myself in their places, I didn't really see what I maybe expected to see from YES to do that. I'm expecting NO to come out on top from the debate, but maybe that will spur YES into tackling some of the questions they might be avoiding. I think there's much smoke and mirrors on both sides but the debate is not over, I hope they all up their games!

This blip is not intended to favour one side over the other nor reflect my own political views.

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