
By stujphoto

Water Droplets no longer postponed...

It’s a while since I have done any water droplet photography, several times I have thought I must have a go then the sheer effort of setting everything up puts me off. It must take about three quarters of an hour to get hold of all the gear I need, carry it over to the garage and then set it up. I now use a continuous water drip system based on aquatic valve which is much easier than fiddling about with pipettes but you have to be careful than you do not lose you focus spot with turning the valve on and off. Unfortunately one of the most interesting shots I did today with a corona flying above a spout was slightly out of focus so it had to be dumped. So you have a plain old spout with a droplet on top but I do like the depth of colour I have been able to achieve from my graduated colour background. Worth looking at closely to see how the colour bands are diffracted in the spout.

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