
By elk922

Crazy Craigslist Meet-Up

Today was pretty fun, more exciting than my normal weekday. I felt like I got hit by a truck all day, so instead of exercising or doing anything productive, I decided to research strollers for like 4 hours this morning.
Eventually I put on a bra and headed over to Christi's house to help her make empanadas for after the baby comes. We got to hang out and watch Toy Story with Owen until I eventually called it and went home to rest.
Jimmy got home with just enough time to get in a quick run before we headed to a Craigslist find before group dinner tonight. It ended up being the best craigslist encounter ever! The sellers of this nice BOB jogging stroller were none other than Doug and Janie Hurley, two fun and incredibly awesome leaders at our church. We ended up talking and visiting for an hour! They are super cool so we left with big dumb smiles on our faces and a pretty sweet stroller for our little nugget.
We drove straight to Barberitos to meet up with the Weeks and Amber for dinner. It was fun to finally see everyone. Group is cool because everybody has committed to this group, so friendship really does blossom because we all expect each other to participate in everyone else's lives. And it's fun! There is just a sense of security when you commit, like marriage but for friendship. Haha, not a bad plan church, not bad at all.

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