
In the morning my uncle and his gf took me and Otto to the gf's house. It's about 30km from here. We visited her friends also.

Later I asked my other uncle if he would like to go with me to the Ohtalampi, which is a small lake near this place we're staying, so his dog could swim. It was okay to him. This was, I think, the first time me and this uncle did something together. Just the to of us. And the dog oviously too. (I've had 5 uncles, one r.i.p., and 2 of those 5 are quite distant to me.) This uncle is the other one of those distant ones, so it was very very nice to go there with him just the two of us. <3

In the evening we went run a small route with Otto and to sauna in my other uncles house.

Later on I tooked Ukko-dog for a walk, the sun was coming down and everything was calm. Almost everything; The ¤%&#ing gnats don't leave anyone alone in anytime of day.

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