Changing our image ....

The young starlings are now maturing and the transformation from day to day is very apparent. This pair are among the younger ones coming to the garden as we have others who are more adult in appearance than these. They fairly squabble over the fat balls and raisins, I had to stop the cheese as they were behaving outrageously towards each other and any other poor wee bird that appeared on the table ... take care ... :)

Smaller than blackbirds, with a short tail, pointed head, triangular wings, starlings look black at a distance but when seen closer they are very glossy with a sheen of purples and greens. Their flight is fast and direct and they walk and run confidently on the ground. Noisy and gregarious, starlings spend a lot of the year in flocks. Still one of the commonest of garden birds, its decline elsewhere makes it a Red List species

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