
By OldTimer

In Loving Memory

My sister Elaine died this morning. A blessed relief for her but a huge sadness for those of us that loved her.
These snow drops I took in a friends garden. Seemed appropriate for today as Elaine loved her garden and was always helping the oldies around the village with theirs. When we were little our Grandmother would give us bunches of snowdrops and violets to take to school for the teacher. I bet they don't do that nowadays. I noticed some of these out in her garden last week.
Funeral not until next week so will go to the meeting in Wellington as planned. Leave home at 6am and wont be back until Monday night and then off to Ranfurly for the funeral. The black edge in the border is for sadness of death yet knowing she has gone to a better place. Snowing heavily over there today so lucky the funeral is not for a day or two as no one would get through.
Will be back in a day or two with some late blips meantime forgive my lack of comment

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