
By BrownBuddy1

Ormonde Hill

"You're looking very happy today Poppy, what you doing"

"I'm sunbathing Bud."

"What for, Poppy, that's boring. What about having a chase, I'll let you chase me today if you like, just for a change."

"No, I'm just sitting here in the sun, having a rest. I'm tired"

"You're no fun, I wish Granny Willow were still here, she would chase me."

"I thought you were pleased she'd gone to her new home with Auntie Linda and Uncle Richard. You said she took your bones and your toys, and everyone kept telling her she was a good girl all the time and patting and stroking her and saying she was a gorgeous granny."

"She's not as gorgeous as me. I'm a star, Cilla tells me that. Stop being tired Poppy, get up and play"

Poppy did oblige for a few minutes, but we are all feeling rather tired today after the hectic few days we have had. I don't think I'll get another dog, 3 is just too many, however good they are!"

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