Whitstable sunset

We'd been stuck in all day waiting for a courier to collect a parcel. Suffice to say nobody arrived by the appointed time of 6.00pm. So to compensate, as it was such a superb evening, we jumped in the car and headed off to Whitstable to walk along the seafront from Seasalter to Tankerton and back.

There really were some memorable shots to be had this evening, both on the trusty Panosonic and on the iPhone. This is the one I like best.

Towards the end we called in at the Neptune, which is right on the seafront looking out over the Swale to the Isle of Sheppey. Been past the place dozens of times but never called in. Well, we did tonight and enjoyed a pint. By the time we'd finished it was dark and the handy iPhone torch was very useful in negotiating our way along the last bit of the seafront and up a narrow path, over a railway bridge back to our car.

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