Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Cantapoc and mushrooms

Tonight's dinner included bolets and girolles collected on today's walk. They were delicious. We only found them as we took paths high in the mountains that only our leader and a few locals know about. It seemed a good idea but after July's rain the path often disappeared in the undergrowth and we got lost on a few occasions and had to battle through heather, ferns and broom. We had at one point to climb down a steep ravine only to find that we had to climb out again as the descent became too steep and dangerous. A rather interesting bug fell down my neck at lunchtime. I am glad it did not fall into mu sandwich! At one point, we followed the path the Spanish refugees followed during the Retirada when a quarter of a million Spanish Republican refugees crossed the border to escape Franco's Spain. A few came by this difficult route and a plaque commemorates their journey. These paths were later used to help British airmen cross into Spain during the Second World War
More photos here.

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