By herrklantz

Back home

We took the old road home from Gothenburg. As we drove by a place called Falkenberg i remembered that someplace near I once in my youth had visited a skate park.

As my young son is a skateboard fanatic I tried to localise where it should have been. My wife and I parked the car at an abandonned gocart track which I thought would be close.

We walked out on the track and a man (BTW have you seen the movie Deliverance) drove up to us in an old volvo asking us what we were doing at his place.

We asked him for the skate park and he pointed out the direction to us then drove away, passing our car with the door open and son inside, smash his front in our open door closing it with a bang. Shouting as he drives on -the door is OK!

luckily It was , wouldn't have been fun dealing with insurance and stuff with that guy.

What are we gonna do, Klantz? You're the guy with the answers. What the hell do we do now?

Ofcourse we're going to the old skatepark where once the legendary skater Tony Alva made a visit in the seventies.

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