Martin's Daily Photo

By MartinGBEdwards

Rendering Comb for Wax

Preparations for the new beekeeping season are afoot. At this time of year I clean up the hive equipment, sterilize the boxes make up new frames and render the old frames. These days we are encouraged to change as much old comb for new as possible. Drawing out new comb gives the older bees something to do and encourages te queen to lay more prolifically and in a better pattern.
I have a stainless steel box which has a perforated end and a trough which fits very neatly into the bottom oven of the aga. A couple of hours later the wax has dripped into the trough leaving behind the old pupal coccoons. This residue gets wrapped and pressed in newspaper to make very effective natural firelighters. The wax of course is then made into candles and furniture polish.

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