Life with Donuts

By donuts

First walk to the school

Can you believe that I thought I may have had my blip for today at 3.44am? I may be addicted to this site but am not quite that dedicated that I was actively trying to get one that early.

My darling little girl Trinity decided at around midnight (5 minutes after my head hit the pillow) that it was wide awake time. Nearly 4 hours later she was still awake so I took a few (bad) shots in the dark.

Anyway, not wanting to go through another night like that (we have quite a few of them!) I decided to try and wear her out by walking to collect her big brother from school. Its only a 5 minute walk but today it took us 20 minutes. Am hoping the walk will have done the trick and she sleeps well tonight.

She just looked so damn cute I had to blip her. Excuse the strap from her backpack dragging on the ground, I had to let go to get a decent(ish) shot LOL

Got a few good shots today of various things, but this one really sums my day up, I think!

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