Mr C Lives for a Day

By P

Well hullo.

Hello gorgeous blippers and welcome to my journal.

I got up at the student equivalent of 6:30 am to get a spot of breakfast or, what non-students would call, 'lunch'. Kitchen was sans cow juice so I nipped outside to the shop and on my way seen the wonder that is Arthur's Seat covered in a fresh coat of snow. So, armed with my flatmates (terrible horrible awful) lovely camera, I ventured to Holyrood park where I had a very pleasant 45 minutes of taking pics and doing sod-all. This pic was taken whilst I experimented with the shutter settings.

I later returned to the flat for a snack and then headed off to Edinburgh University's main library to study in relative silence. I wrote a lengthy entry in my diary for a bit of much needed therapy/whinging/clarity and then skidaddled homeward. Got back at about 10pm.


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