
By scribbler

A bridge too far

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it." The Fremont Bridge, that is.

This view is on the way from the pool to the medical center. I like the industrial landscapes down here near the shipyards on the Willamette River, but today I'm merely bridging the gap between yesterday's blip and tomorrow's.

I did get a fabulously gruesome full-color capture of the bruise left by the intravenous contrast medium for my CT scan, but I'll spare you. Hopefully it will soon be water under the bridge. I got some satisfying gasps at the pool when I showed it off. It's quite an alarming shade of purple.

This is a hard week for lots of people! At the pool, Constance's son-in-law died yesterday; he was only fifty and had been diagnosed only three weeks ago. Vicki is back at water aerobics today after falling, breaking two ribs and cracking her pelvis. Anita's husband is getting radiation for an enlarged prostate. On Blip, Anniemay has a painful earache. And the U.S. is back at war (if we ever stopped being at war), while wars in the rest of the world continue to heat up, killing civilians and creating refugees. There are fires taking lives and burning down houses all over the West. These things put my own situation into perspective. What's a little black-and-blue mark compared to these things? Well, okay, a big black-and-blue mark, but still. :)

I even started a drawing in my new journal today. It's going to be a masterpiece, I feel sure. (If you believe that, there's a bridge I'd like to sell you!)

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