Ristosan's Journal

By ristosan

In The Wake Of Poseidon

by King Crimson

This morning started the morning row before sunrise (during our stay on the island, the sunrise has moved from around 5:00 to 5:50). Had to shoot the beautiful dawn sky. Please check also in Large.

Ten minutes later on the way to mail box, with my camera ready. Coming to the edge of the forest section, where I have seen deer before. Looked first right, and then left. Suddenly realised that I am passing a deer standing still and looking at me ca 15 m left of me - unhappily my reaction time was two steps long and I stopped with the deer behind a small tree, which was partly obscuring her. I was sure that moving back the two steps would make her run away. Took one shot - the flash came on automatically. Fortunately got away another without the flash, but then she was off - with an offspring which I had not noted. How graciously they jumped away.

Could have kicked myself. Should have first watched left, and then right!

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