
By Mimthing


Here she is displaying her worried Jack Russell look... She does it so well.

I've had a very much out and about day. Early start for me (5.45) dogs out then some time on the Pinterest and Facebook places, read stuff about horrid things going on in this war torn world we live in... Saddened by my so far head in the sand attitude to world affairs and my total ignorance to the atrocities that are going on. Shame on me!!

The rest of the day was calm, no bad weather arriving today so I went off to a wonderful fabric shop at Hovingham and then this afternoon we went to BoonHill Show with our mate Milky.
Cracking afternoon which was finished off with pint in the Jollies. We don't get there as often as we used to, sad really, a degree of backstabbing and wooden spoons hasn't helped,..still, we found our friend James in there with his ever faithful terrier Maggie and had a very enjoyable hour chatting and watching YouTube clips of silly baby elks jumping in puddles.

Go on YouTube and search Baby elk in puddle... you will do very big smiles.

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