Looking Forward...

By Fiono


More often than not, the best nights of your life end up being the ones you don't plan to have.

After a day of pottering around, dodging rain showers, I got to about 9pm and thought to myself "Right, am I going to have a quiet Saturday night in, or am I going to do something interesting?"

Earlier in the week I received all my bits and bobs for my Swiss student bank account and I remembered my debit card gives me free entry to the local outdoor cinema that's running all summer in the square outside the cathedral. A quick internet search confirmed 'Gravity' would be starting in half an hour - a film I have seen and, though full of bad science, I had really enjoyed!

So, I quickly downloaded my free ticket and power-walked along the riverbank to the cathedral. I've never been so grateful for cinema adverts. I arrived with plenty time to grab a drink and find a decent seat before the space thriller started. The rain threatened now and again during the film but we were all given an attractive orange poncho on our way in. It got very atmospheric towards the end with thunder and lightning going on all around us as Sandra Bullock fought against the odds to get back to Earth.

I walked home through the thunder storm with a huge grin on my face. I'm so glad I made the decision to go out. Hopefully I'll do more spontaneous things this year. You tend to regret more of the things you didn't do than the things you actually did.

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