
By ablightydaze

Burton Snowbroads Girls Camp

Ahhhh! I had the most epically awesome day up at The Remarks! I was lucky enough to be up there for the best day of the season (30cm of fresh snow!!), catching the first bus up and the last bus down. In one way it was unfortunate that this day also happened to be the day I was participating in the Burtons Snowbroads Girls Camp - a girls only all-day group workshop being tutored in freestyle moves up in the park.

Because I got the first bus, I was there before the rest of the girls and so I slipped in a cheeky run down Shadow Basin on one of the first lifts, which was nothing short of spectacular. I've never had a run like it - boarding off piste and in so much powder!

Camp wise, it was awesome. Until today, I've spent the season boarding straight down and learning to ride switch, being too nervous to attempt anything else with a torn knee ligament... but today? Today I landed every single jump attempt in the park; I landed boxes, attempting ones I haven't tried before; I did a board slide (180) on a box when someone stacked it in front of me; I jumped ollies and I jumped 180s from riding switch back to goofy.

What a difference a day makes!

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