A Hula Hoop Performer

This lady was one of the performers at "Cabaret@Le Monde" this evening. This show has four different acts from the Fringe every day, so every day it's different. I really enjoyed three of the acts but I was not too sure about the stand up comedy one. Yet again, the sense of humour is a very personal thing, and everybody else was laughing, so it must have been just me..

It's been raining all day non stop, so not great for taking photos outside. I spent most of my day doing household chores, food shopping and all that stuff and then I met a friend to go and see a couple of shows. The first one was a free cabaret show called "Cabaret Roulette". It had some good bits but, on the whole, I found it rather average. I don't think I would pay a ticket for it. The second one was the one I mentioned above.

My photos were not great, as the light indoors was very poor in both shows and flash photography was not allowed, so the conditions were difficult. This one was the best of the lot, I think, which I had to process a bit, as you can see...

And, by the way... something really cool happened to me today!!! On Monday I was taking photos of the Burlesque show I went to see, after asking, of course, whether photography was allowed during the show. They said it was, but not when the girls' boobs came out, which was fine with me. They also said they'd like to see the photos I took. So, I selected a few and sent them to them by email.

Today I received an email from Scarlett Belle, saying that my photos were great and that they're inviting me to see their other show for free so I can go and take some photos for them!!! Wow! :)

Anyway, back to work tomorrow, so I should be going to bed now.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments yesterday! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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