
By craftymad

shawl finished

i am 61 years old, never been into exercise, after a winter of not good health 2 months ago I decided that I had to take myself in hand and lose some weight and get a bit fitter so I started walking, not everyday but 3/4 days a week, was a real struggle to start with but I carried on, anyway 2 months later I am 9 pound lighter and can walk 2 miles uphill with no problem, so have decided to push myself a bit more, I started a nhs podcast c25k, it means couch to 5k, in 9 weeks, this morning I exercised for 30 mins alternating between jogging and walking, in all I ran for 8 minutes in 60 second bursts, with 90 second walks in between, it was hard, but I did it, and I am proud of myself, now I dont feel guilty when I am sitting with my feet up in the afternoon crocheting and watching a movie, will blip occasionally on my progress

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