Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Wide open spaces

We drove for a walk with the dog - hadn't appreciated how windy it was until I couldn't open the driver's door and the passenger door nearly blew off its hinges. One very unimpressed greyhound. Sarah waited in the car with her whilst I battled through to take a couple of photos - the wind blew the grad filter off the lens and it bounced a bit too near the edge for my liking.

We went to the park and had ice-cream instead.

David is off to the fracture clinic about his broken radial head (thought that was a band) tomorrow; meanwhile he is full of pain-killers and doing ok. Much amusement when we found the incident on the security cameras and played it back. Of course he now is unable to do anything around the house, even finishing tidying his room out. Very convenient if you ask me.

Windy song.

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