Seeing Red

I saw a fire engine today, it came out of the exit of the fire station with the lights flashing and siren, turned across the road, and went back in though the entrance. I presume it was being repositioned within the fire station.

Not very remarkable perhaps, the unusual thing was the fire engine was red. This may seem to be the traditional colour, and in some places perhaps it still is. For the last ten years or more, fire engines in Aberdeen have been white. This is the first time in many years I have seen a red fire engine in Aberdeen.

I imagine they went white to be more visible, perhaps they have found it was no more visible than red. Perhaps yellow or orange would be less traditional but more visible.

Nothing much to do with these colourful bottles in John Lewis, those in the foreground are red, a loose connection with the fire engine I saw today.

Very windy, becoming wet later, so another indoor Blip.

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