Who shall I be today?

If only we could pick and choose our moods. Takes on a whole new significance given this mornings sad news about Robin Williams and his battle with depression. How many times did he pick the smiley face when it wasn't how he was feeling at all?

Matthew sent a couple of pictures on Whatsapp yesterday. When he is under stress, he picks his beard. He must be under stress because it looks like a small lawnmower has run amok on his chin.

A year ago today I received a text message from an ex work colleague who had bee diagnosed with a very aggressive form of cancer. She fully expected to be dead within a matter of weeks. Things worked out a little better than that and last I heard she had brought herself a new car to enjoy, albeit for just a short time. That must have been 3 or 4 months ago. Worried that I haven't heard anything recently but how do you follow up on this - 'hi, just texting to ask if you are still alive'.

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