One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Prudence is the mother of all virtues

- Mum? Mum? Can we go swimming? Please? Pleeeeeease?
- Ok, ok, kids, but remember, this is not just any summer, this is the Irish summer. And this is not just swimming, this is Irish swimming. Have you got your cardigans on? And your hoodies? Cormac, how many times do I need to tell you. Put on your hoodie when you go swimming. And you Sorcha, are you wearing your shoes? Good girl.
Ok, off you go. And remember, stay in the water that you can walk on! Don't stray too far. I'll be having a chat with Maureen, in my deck chair, wearing my fleece, with my hands wrapped around a hot cup of tea from the flask.

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