Time For A Break

It's taken me over a week to absorb the reality and actually speak about a very sad loss I've suffered. I'm in mourning ... over the closure of Creative Breads where I've got my lunchtime sandwich every working day for over a year. Jez and Lisa have moved on. They needed a break. But hopefully they will be opening up something else in nearby Saltaire before too long. I dearly hope so. You never fully appreciate what you've got until it's gone. It's not just the loss of the sandwiches that's left a void in my lunch break but also the loss of the conviviality, the banter that was so much fun and broke up my day. I miss you guys - just as much as I miss your amazing food. I trust you are busy planning your reincarnation!

I popped into this nearby cafe today to try one of their sandwiches but I was so late leaving the office that lunchtime had passed and they had sold out. The owner and her staff were sitting down having their own lunch. I'm sure it was well deserved. I'll be back tomorrow, hopefully a bit earlier, to try again. The menu looks interesting.

I went for my first run tonight since dislocating my toe. The foot was fine but the legs weren't, nor the breathing. But at least it's a start to ease my way back in towards some running fitness. I'd love to do a few races before the summer is out.

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