S1 - Another Day

By S1

Bed time Mum

Tonight we had S2's work mates over for a kiwi BBQ. Unfortunately the weather didn't really cooperate with us and we had heavy rain for the evening - but that didn't dampen our spirits!

Everyone had a great time and they seemed to really enjoy the food. And CJ loved being the star of the show! He would lead people around and show them where to sit and he loved playing duplo with someone his age! He was consistently on the move and giggle away.

We decided not to stick to his normal bedtime and let him stay up longer than normal, but with all the excitement during the day getting ready (and therefore no nap), it wasn't long past his normal bedtime before he ran up to me and said "bed mummy".

The party was over for CJ and he went straight to bed with no playing up, despite the noise downstairs!

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