Drop in

By Loulou70

Not Mosaic Monday #20

OK so I realised I am missing a few tiles and will probably not be up here next Monday - so I will try and squeeze in the last. I think there are two - not sure...

Tree : ROWAN Celtic Name : LUIS Gaelic Name : CAORANN

Mosaic made by : Cromarty Youth Group Seniors

Location : Bus shelter outside Victoria Hall, Cromarty

Luis, the Celtic name for Rowan, means flame, represented in the mosaic made by Cromarty Senior Youth Group by the bright red and orange flames at the bottom of the panel. The abundant red berries found on the trees in late summer and autumn attract much bird life including Blackbirds and Thrushes, which are also depicted.

The Celts considered Rowan to be a ‘lucky’ tree, a tree of vision, healing and psychic powers. It was a source of personal empowerment helping to protect people against control by others. It could help reconnection with universal love and give spiritual strength.

A rowan tree can live for over 100 years. Its creamy white flowers, which appear between April and June, are attractive to bees, whilst the wood of the rowan tree is traditionally used for making spinning wheels. Rowan trees are found all over the Black Isle growing at the roadside and in woodland.

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