
By aharr1cd

Old and New

The original shed was here when we bought the house 12 years ago about 3 months after Thomas was born, and it's has been very useful over the years, for storing stuff and a shelter from the rain. But the roof had started to leak and frankly it was getting to the point it needed to be replaced.

This weekend 12 year old Thomas helped me and uncle Mark start the final stages making sure it's insulated for the winter, we still need to finish a few things, but it nearly their and it will be a place Thomas can display his Doctor Who figurines and his Lego.

It was a sad day yesterday with Robin Williams death I read a news article at work about his life and the struggle he had with depression.

I watched one of his film last night the Awaking it reminded me he wasn't just a comedian he was a great actor, one of the lines which may me rethink what I had read in the newspaper earlier.

Leonard (Played by Robert De Niro) to Dr. Sayer (Played by Robin Williams) Read the newspaper. What does it say? All bad. It's all bad. People have forgotten what life is all about. They've forgotten what it is to be alive. They need to be reminded. They need to be reminded of what they have and what they can lose. What I feel is the joy of life, the gift of life, the freedom of life, the wonderment of life!

Robin Williams R.I.P

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