A Freeze in Time

By gcdx

Attack on Titan

I was packing up from doing a silly shoot with my friend Aimee(Mikasa) and I noticed these two (blonde haired ones) walking up to the hotel.
I stopped them and asked if I can get a photo. But the guy (cosplaying Jean from AoT) asked if Aimee and I would like to be in the photo all together.

He jokingly said, "Finally no duplicates!"
There were alot of AoT cosplayers at Otakon but it was refreshing to not see tons of Levis(another character) and others in the same space. (Otakon was crowded)

Fun fact I learned that they made their 3d maneuver gear with worbla. and that they were from Canada around Quebec or something (I noticed He spoke some French with the girl cosplaying as Annie)

I only wish I got another photo with Mikasa and Annie doing a stare down haha.

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