View from my window

By skiesnsunsets

Strange rainbow

The children saw this odd rainbow this evening. It appeared like a ball of colour in the sky. Very odd indeed.

We've had a good but tiring day. Actually it began around 2am! The girls woke and wanted to meteor watch, so we did that for a while (unsuccessfully) and then they had a midnight feast. We all finally woke around 9.45 and then it was a quick dash over to the Harvester for breakfast which was fun.

They did some pottery painting when we got back and we went to the beach around 1.30. I took a bit of a tumble in the waves so we packed up and ran for home during a bit of a shower. Then it was hot chocolate and baths followed by tea. After tea we got going on the paintings S & I had prepped yesterday. They're working on two each at the same time, a seascape and a meadow scene. We did the underpainting today so we'll be ready for the fun stuff tomorrow. S used palette knives for the first time last visit so she's eager to teach her cousin what she knows.

I'm tired and I still have the kitchen to clean up.

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