Walking off the lunch!

I went over to Bath today and took a photo of a shop in New Bond Street, which I hope is going to form the basis of a project that I have in mind. I also popped in to the Bath Record Office and got a photo of the same street, which was catalogued as being c. 1975 but which my brother in law has pinned down to 1936-1939.

Afterwards, I met up with two college friends: Michele (also known as Short Cut Shell), a fellow sufferer student on our FE teacher training course, and Caroline, our totally brilliant slave driver of a tutor. Michele invited us for lunch, which was simple but totally scrumptious: toasted brioche with home-made smoked trout pate & salad (and the salad included runner beans & courgettes from Caroline's garden), followed by baked peaches topped with honey, crushed amaretti biscuits & demerara sugar. Afterwards, we went for a brisk walk around Lansdown Racecourse and Golf Club. Fabulous views, including this view of Kelston Roundhill.

In other news, I've recently started tweeting (in spite of signing up about 2 years ago!) I have all of 3 followers and feel a bit like Billy No-Mates, so if anyone would care to keep me company... @1JudithWhite

It seems that many people also found yesterday's news about Robin Williams very sad. Today we lost Lauren Bacall, another great from the film world, yet at 89 it felt somehow more 'fitting'..

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