Andy Tang's Photo Journal

By AndyTang

Tavernes de la Valldigna

As our Spanish holiday draws to a close, we took the time to visit the beach one last time. It was a beautiful day and we were joined by our hosts, Deborah and Robert.

We managed to have a dunk in the sea, build sandcastles, eat snacks and have me run 100 metres to chase our windswept parasol. The ladies even bought dresses from the "lookie-lookie" guys on the beach.

My wife took this photo of me with my second son playing by the edge of the beach. The photo was cropped to a more traditional ratio, and made black and white to cover up some of my sunburn from a few days earlier!!

The day was round off with us treating our hosts to a dinner in a local restaurant in Alzira called Fosters Hollywood. The food was good and plentiful, and the children enjoyed the resulting "food coma" (where you eat too much, can't move and want to sleep)!

Everyone is in bed now, but in 12 short hours, we'll be at the airport making our way back to England. We are sitting in 27 degree heat at 11pm and I know home is less than half that... brrr!!!

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