
By Carscribe


After a long morning at work on the computer, I took an afternoon trip down the M23 to Horsham to unload an estate car full of 'stuff' into a storage facility. The Guild of Motoring Writers has a stand at the Beaulieu Autojumble, taking place on the first weekend of next month in the grounds of the National Motor Museum in Hampshire. We will be selling car books, brochures, press kits, model cars and other motoring related paraphernalia to boost the coffers of a benevolent fund.

Everywhere I go at the moment, motoring colleagues hand over boxes and carrier bags full of saleable artefacts. Before the clutter overwhelmed us, it was time to do a delivery run. So whose bright idea was this Autojumble project? Well, mine. Next time maybe I should keep my trap shut. Unless it proves a big success and raises lots of welcome funds, that is. Then maybe I'll take a bit of the credit ...

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