pictures wot i took

By antlersandall

It's a beautiful afternoon she said

Let's grab the bikes and head out to Stony Cross she said.

As we drove across the Forest there was bright sunshine ahead. Glorious.

And then we got there. The boys got about 20 minutes of cycling in before the heavens opened..

We had a fabulous morning though, at the wedding of friends of ours from church. In blips from a million years ago, before I had to do dull stuff like go to work, I talked about Son Two and me going to church on Thursdays, sometimes so I could cook or help with the teas, but mostly for the fellowship and for Son Two to be doted on by about 40 surrogate grandparents. The two friends who married today are seniors of the parish who met as part of the Thursday congregation. So much love and joy in the service and in the lunch afterwards. Still feeling warm and fuzzy about it despite the rain :-)

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