Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


What do you mean it's 7am? It can't be surely I've only just got to bed!

Wow tired this morning, but magic twinings earl grey tea soon had me ready to face the day.

Headed to a different park and ride today to get gobbled up by the hungry caterpillar (tram), prefer the other one where the drive there is through countryside so I know now.

Learning stuff, it's starting to make sense. There is filing, I've never ever done that before and dealing with post stuff and stamping things with a stamper thingy ooooh. Technically it's a big step down and I do worry, but then it seems we will be kept busy so no time to get bored and less thinking means less brain power so I am saving energy to hopefully be able to keep up with running - hurrah.

Well now it's time for bed.

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