
By pattons6

Yes mummy

Well I was rudely awoken by my brother today far to early, 7.30am! So I got to watch tv in mummy's bed until mummy had a shower and got dressed.

In the morning we went to meet Ruaridh and my aunty Gillian. We met at a soft play area. I had brilliant fun and ran of lots of steam. I was up the stairs, down the slide, through the tunnels and jumping on the soft play toys.

We were just getting ready to leave when Ruaridh tripped and bumped his head. My mummy got some ice while auntie Gillian gave him a cuddle. He has a big bump on his head but he is fine.

We then went to Costco. I love it there, I get to try lots of snacks. Mmmm. we got some wipes, sausages and apples. We also got a huge teddy for mummy's work for a raffle. I held his paw all the way home. We both fell asleep.

I was very good tonight and settled myself in my cot to sleep. I had a good play, took my sweeping brush to bed and a rattle. Just incase I wake up during the night. I then sang a wee song to my teddies before starting to snore.

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