Quarry Walk

Bailey had a taste of things to come today being left for about three hours first thing whilst I went into school for A-Level results and then home for a bit before I went out again to get my hair cut. He was absolutely fine and clearly slept his morning away.

Our A-Level English Lit. students had done brilliantly and it was lovely to be around to see some of them get their results. And there were lots of successes across the board and very few tears. I'm not so sure that next week's results will run quite to predictions but we shall see.

We went back to the quarry again tonight and Bailey clearly enjoys being away from the traffic - and I enjoy him being away from distractions that stop him in his tracks or fix his bum to the pavement! We're off to meet friends tomorrow morning for a walk and a catch up so he needs to be on his very best behaviour.

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