B mused

By becah

Day 2....

....at the Edinburgh Festival.

Woke late,
had a bacon sarnie for breakfast
viewed a few properties,
walked Mr C at Portobello.

Went into town,
had some Asian food for lunch
went to Harvey Nicks to spend a voucher that was burning a hole in my pocket.

Re-discovered the Aperol tent in George Square..
.....and stayed.......
......and stayed........
........and stayed.......

Took a break for food at none other than the Hard Rock Cafe (cos sometimes you just need a Long Island Iced Tea and a good burger) where we came up with a mad idea for 2020..........
........then we returned to the tent.
Saw a great duo, Callum Bertie, I think. Then had to leave giggling when the other band of guys started.

Fantastic day......but I'm starting to look a bit orange with all the aperol I've consumed!!

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