happily ever after...

By thir13en

35 weeks

my belly is enormous. i'm so excited.
dan is super excited too..
we're having a baby shower on the 31st of this month at my sisters, we cant wait!

i'm so happy my family has been so involved with this baby. we cant wait to find out if its a little miss or mister we're welcoming! everyone's predicting boy, i've heard one or two girl predictions, but the rest have been boy.

crazy part is, it already knows, kicking away at my insides.. Dan half the time yells at my belly "what are you?!" lol. we just can't wait.

this week my pregnancy app tells me this baby weighs 5lbs +, hard to sleep through a kick from something that weighs that much :P

i'm running out of clothes that fit. hopefully i can make it without having to buy much else. just over a month to go, i should hopefully be fine.

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