Sugar Magnolia

By cew


So, using my phone, I wrote a big long story here. A real pain in the patoosh if you ask me!
Then my son texted me so I went to speak to him and lost my entire silly story.
This time I uploaded the image then just came to my computer to edit this so I can type quickly.
I have been thinking lately about how I miss blipping regularly. Or at least how I miss looking for the blip. Stopping the car on the side of the road when I see something blipable and all that stuff. Now as I'm driving by I think to myself how this or that may make a good blip but I just keep on driving.
I really must get my Nikon fixed. I REALLY miss that camera. It is next on my list of things to do.
Plus I have an opportunity to do a little photoshoot for a friend of mine and that might be pretty cool!
Today someone found a camera out in our parking lot at work. It was in a wee case but someone ran over it I think. It's a small point and shoot Canon but the case had a couple of memory cards in it so hopefully someone will call for it.
Another lady left her purse in the washroom and someone else brought it to me. I had to walk around the restaurant with this huge purse asking everyone if they left it. I found that lady luckily. Someone else came in wondering if anyone handed in a lens cap for a canon camera…It was quite a day!!

This image is the beginning of a scarf or shawl type thingy called the Wingspan. I started it because I wanted something simple that I didn't need to look at a pattern for or think too much about….it's perfect for that!!

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