And you wrote it on the f***ing concrete...

Messed about this morning trying to work out how to calculate area on P's GPS so that he can measure his paddocks. Finally, after a lot of faffing about and a hunt through the house to find new batteries, we were successful with the last thing we tried.

Lunch with N+P at the new cafe in town, before hitting the road. Chauffeur driven by C to Skipton, with a brief stop in Lake Bolac. Climbed a hill through long grass, willing away snakes, to take a shot of this purple lake. Have a few shots that I think will make a really nice panorama when I get around to it but, as I'm lazy, I'm sticking with the single image tonight.

End of med year drinks in Brunswick tonight, with a seemingly never-ending tab. Have had a couple of beers too many...

Have backblipped the last two days: Nanna turns 84 and, a photo I quite like, shed in a storm.

Also, a big thanks to everyone for your response to my blip from Tuesday. Much appreciated.

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