Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH


My holiday was at exactly the wrong time this year, tomato-wise. If I had planted them in my greenhouse at the same time that most people planted theirs, they would have died of thirst while I was away. If I planted them when we got back from holiday then they probably wouldn't have had enough time to grow. So, I resigned myself to a tomato-free greenhouse this year. But one evening I was chatting to a neighbour who told me she had some spare plants that she had already potted up, and that I could have them and she would keep them watered until I got back. So I now have two thriving plants, a bit behind everyone else's I'm sure as today I spotted my first ripe tomatoes. They'll be in a tomato, mozzarella and basil salad this evening!

I must say I'd never really paid much attention to the flowers on a tomato but in fact, if you look closely at them, they are quite pretty.

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