My favourite waterfall

...and secret.

Found some time to go there today and took a number of shots using my polariser filter coupled with my graduated filter to take a long exposure.

It is a fantastic waterfall and I liked this view of it today from the side. If you are looking for scale a person could walk through the space at the back of it quite easily.

I tried some shots where I stood beside the waterfall but I couldn't keep still enough so although it gave scale I was too fuzzy. Any tips welcome as always.

I have blipped this before and if you want to see a full on view you can see it here. You will notice my older shot was taken quite a while ago, not long after I joined blip. I am pretty sure my photography skills have increased in that time too as todays shots were much better than the old one. At least I thought so. Not much post processing apart from a little levels and contrast.

I must go back here a bit more often

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