
By Riverdale2


There's been a lot of activity outside my house this evening. Police cars, vans, range rovers; a veritable cavalcade. No dogs though, which was a bit disappointing. At one point they were parked over the end of my drive but we didn't get an explanation as to what they were doing. I've spent quite a bit of time dodging in and out with my camera trying to get a photo but I thought it would be prudent not to be seen doing it. Photographing the police in the course of an investigation is probably frowned on.

So, thwarted in my attempts to blip a policeman, I've settled instead on a picture of my latest project. This is just the start of it. I'm having a bit of a rest from the crochet and have gone over to knitting. The finished article will be a shawl/scarf type 'thing'.

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