Double Shot Mummy


The all clear!

The MRI was at 1230 in Russel Square.... I've had plenty, so this was actually quite relaxing... noisy, but relaxing.

I then had to wait until 530pm for my consultation with Mr Samandouras. I am not sure why, but I suddenly got nervous. Three coffees and lot's of aimless wandering later, 530 came.

I got to meet the lovely secretary who had helped me with a lot of the Dubai/UK logistics over the last few months... always good to put a face to a name :-) Finally Mr S called me in. He began by asking me if I'd got taller :-/ It was all good news after that. He showed me the scan from two and a half months ago with the cyst and then today's scan with no cyst. He told me it had been completely removed and that there was a less than 1% chance of it ever coming back. He said that I can now carry on with life as normal and wished me and my family all the best <3 I will need a follow-up MRI in two years time and then it is expected that I'll be signed off. I couldn't have asked for a better result! It all seemed a bit surreal after that, happy days. End of the journey :-)

I'm missing the trio (And the trio's daddy). It has been a nice week of catch ups and I've got one more tomorrow with a good friend. The photo today is of where I am staying in Oakwood. My adopted aunt and uncle.

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