
By tpd

international sprouts

Off to see +1/3 at the Scout Jamborette up at Blair Atholl. This can only mean one thing: a delay on the A9. Which there was. A minibus had lightly clipped a pickup truck (no-one hurt, only minor damage to the vehicles) which led to several hours of delays. Whoop.

Saw the smelly boy, ate food from lots of different countries (mainly cooked in a pan due to the limited kitchen facilities of scout camps :) ) then a quick stop at the most expensive place known to man - The House Of Bruar.

Parked outside was a beautiful Jaguar E-type: clearly just restored as the engine was absolutely sparkling. Oddly enough the owner was visibly nervous when he came back to find me hanging around the car. We had a game of guess the price on the way back: £200k? More? £350k to you sir. Ouch.

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